We’ve Got Your Back (Office Assessment)

At ,Series Next Solutions (SNS) we assert that:

we help growing companies scale operations without scaling costs,
we liberate business leaders to focus on the company’s core mission,
we’ve got your back (office).

These concepts all sound promising, but the next logical question is “what exactly does that mean for my company?” To address that question we offer our Efficient Back Office Assessment—at no cost, and with no commitment required. During the assessment, we listen to the story of your company’s past, present, and future. We examine current operational pain points, explore your wish list for your ideal back office organization, and dig into the mechanics of your business processes. Our assessment consists of 3 phases:

Phase 1 – High Level Review:

We discuss the current state of your business and identify the internal and external driving forces propelling your company to where it is today.
You describe your vision for the future of your business, and we examine the internal and external restraining forces currently impeding the Company’s progress toward that desired future state.
We outline the systems in place today that support your key business processes.

Phase 2 – Detailed Business Process Review:

We meet with the Company’s business process owners to walk through the Company’s key business processes in depth. We want to understand:

The level of effort currently involved in running each process
Current pain points
Future state must haves and nice to haves
The systems, if any, currently driving the process
Data these systems are generating

This phase can be conducted either through on-site interviews or remotely using video conferencing.

Phase 3 – Designing Your Company’s Roadmap

We benchmark your company’s current state to the desired future state across your key business processes.
We apply our expertise in building scalable back offices to devise a tailored roadmap outlining how SNS’s services will help you attain those goals.

Depending upon the size and complexity of your business operations, we spend approximately 4 hours in total on Phases 1 and 2: talking to your company’s leadership team and process owners, and giving us the opportunity to get to know your core team while you get to know us. Phase 3 requires approximately 3-5 business days, after which we deliver to you:

the Efficient Back Office Assessment results, including our Gap Analysis that evaluates where your business processes are today compared to where they need to be in the future to sustain your company’s vision, and
a roadmap detailing the services SNS will provide to close existing gaps and enable your organization’s growth.

The assessment results and the customized roadmap are yours to keep, and you can select the ,Series Next Solutions services that best fit where your goals and your budget align.

Interested? Email ,,info@seriesnextsolutions.com to schedule a meeting today.

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Ready to scale?

Are you interested in learning more about how Series Next Solutions can support your growth? Get started with your complimentary back office assessment today!